

you leave a Lot of money in the supermarkt. you have no (Not always) time for Cooking. you have no Garden but like to eat fresh regional vegetables.

you do it yourself Jam, sweets, liquor or something else and want to trade? 

thus reasons and so much more...

the answer for that is ,,Foodsharing, ,

Foodsharing is a platform for sharing food in many ways. 

you can use the Homepage for check where are foodsharing people to you next.

collect food or share food.

there are also Points for shelfes. this shelfes are open for anybody to share and collect. Often there are foodsafer which collect food from diversed concern from greengrocer etc. 

use resources and safe money.

I use this since i red a Book ,,live without money,, written by Raphael Fellmer.

(I also are a dumbsterdiver, but this is an other story) 

i eat really delicous healthy food which i never buyed in a supermarket because its to expensiv or i dont never know that Kind of food. 

I safed really a Lot of money you cant imagine! with this money Put at side i am on holiday, donate for poor people / economic project and also to spend this sometimes also for really good expensiv food when I wish from a market.